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10 Famous African American Women You Should Know About

It is not untrue when they said it’s a men’s world. One hardly see equal ratio of man and woman, be it in a workplace setting, educational institute or sports. Men always tend to stay ahead of women throughout the history. Even in the twenty-first century we see a huge pay gap between two genders as women are paid twenty percent less than men for the same amount of work done or maybe even more. Despite the oppression of patriarch society some women managed to brave the odds proved their worth by marching side by side with men. Being a woman and let alone an African one in America was a struggle of its own, yet some courageous and famous African American women stood up for their rights against all odds. Their contribution to the society often went without recognition, though this progression wouldn’t have been possible if it were not for their efforts.

In the late 19th century, Ida B. Wells started her career as a journalist, who actively took part in Civil Rights Movement. It was the time when blacks were still held captive by white and lived under their command. Wells took upon the responsibility to bring the truth to light that how brutally white segregationists treated blacks to show their place in the social ranks. Half a decade before Rosa Parks incident, Wells found herself in a similar situation where she was asked to relinquish her seat for a white passenger. Upon her outright refusal, she was dragged out of train car by the conductors. The brave woman took a daring step and sued the train owner. Despite winning the case it didn’t make any difference as the white patriarchs overturned the ruling.

During the Civil Rights Movement another black woman that appeared at the forefront was Fannie Lou Hamer. She played an instrumental role in organizing the Mississippi Freedom Summer. The campaign was organized to register as many black voters. It was a hazardous act as it could have easily put a target on one’s back for being involved in such activities. That didn’t scare away Hamer, she was fearless and fully

Jesse Williams' Speech (BET Awards 2016)