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10 Great Databases for Slave Genealogy

Explore information on more than 35,000 slave voyages that forcibly transported over 12 million Africans to the Americas, including North America, the Caribbean, and Brazil, between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. You can search by voyage, examine estimates of the slave trade, or search a database of 91,000+ Africans taken from captured slave ships or from African trading sites (Note: the database of slave names can also be searched on African Origins. Because North American markets absorbed less than 4% of all slaves carried off from Africa, the bulk of the content is not focused on the North American slave trade. More »

This ongoing project of the Virginia Historical Society will eventually include the names of all the enslaved Virginians that appear in their manuscript collections (unpublished documents). In some cases there may only be a name on a list; in others more details survive, including family relationships, occupations, and life dates. Some of the names appearing in this database may be individuals who lived outside of Virginia; found, for example, in plantation records kept by Virginians who moved to other states.

Slave Biographies: The Atlantic Database Network is an open access data repository of information on the identities of enslaved people in the Atlantic World. Phase one of the multi-stage project expands on the work of Dr. Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, freely available on the Afro-Louisiana History & Genealogy site, including descriptions of slaves and their manumissions found in documents of all kinds in all jurisdictions of French, Spanish, and early American Lower Louisiana (1719–1820). Also included is the Maranhão Inventories Slave Database (MISD), which includes information about the lives of about 8,500 slaves in Maranhāo from the mid-eighteenth century through the early nineteenth century. More »

A number of projects and websites exist to document

The Green Book Pt I

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