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(2013) Ben Carson's Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast

On February 7, 2013 prominent neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson became a nationally recognized political figure when he gave a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. that was critical of President Obamas policies and particularly Obamacare when the President and First Lady Michelle Obama were seated just a few feet away.  The speech launched Carsons political career and resulted in him becoming a major conservative candidate for the Republican Presidential Nomination in 2016.  Although Carson left the race, he was eventually appointed Secretay of Housing and Urban Development by President-Elect Donald Trump.  Carson is now the only African American serving in the Trump cabinet.  His 2013 speech appears below. 

Thank you so much. Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Mrs. Obama, distinguished guests – which included everybody. Thank you so much for this wonderful honor to be at this stage again. I was here 16 years ago, and the fact that they invited me back means that I didn’t offend too many people, so that was great.

I want to start by reading four texts which will into context what I’m going to say.

Proverbs 11:9 With his mouth the Godless destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge the righteous escapes.

Proverbs 11:12 A man who lacks judgement derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue

Proverbs 11:25 A generous man will prosper. He who refreshes others will himself, be refreshed.

2nd Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.

You know, I have an opportunity to speak in a lot of venues. This is my fourth speech this week. and I have an opportunity to talk to a lot of people. And I’ve been asking people what concerns you? What are you most concerned about in terms of the spirituality and the direction of our nation and our world? And I’ve talked to very prominent democrats, very prominent

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