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African American and Black History Blog

African American and Black History Blog






Museum Dedicated to African American History and Culture is Set to Open in 2016

The new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) is set to open in Washington, D.C. this year. Created in 2003 by an Act of Congress, establishing it as part of the Smithsonian Institution. This new museum, the Smithsonian’s 19th, will be the only national museum … [Continue reading]

6 Must-See Malcolm X Posters

Malcolm X has many admirers for he was the most courageous advocate for rights of black people He has even been called one of the greatest and most influential African American in history. Here are the 6 must-see posters of this great man. … [Continue reading]

Scholarships for African Americans – Black Scholarships

Education is the ultimate right of every child regardless of which race, religion or nation he or she belongs to. To promote this ideal and get as many children to get educated, various incentives are given to people who can’t afford it. The early education is free for most people but it is the … [Continue reading]

African-American Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement began decades before 19th century that resulted in the Emancipation Proclamation. Initially, abolition of slavery was not on Abraham Lincoln’s agenda list. However, his ever increasing reliance on black soldiers to punish the rebellious states rendered him to issue the … [Continue reading]

African Americans in WW2

The second global war, also known as Second World War (WW2), occurred in 1939 and did not end till 1945. It is considered the world’s deadliest conflict in human history that claimed lives of millions of people upon political and military disagreements. The two opposing military alliances called … [Continue reading]

African American History

African American history entails the American history with regard to black ethnic group that formed its root in America after

National Trust for Historic Preservation

Charlotte girl's speech on race gets standing ovation

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