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Africa's top virus deaths: 'Progressive' South African queen succumbs | Africanews

The death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic across Africa is heading is gone past the 1,000 mark as of April 18, 2020. The casualties cut across age groups. From the death of a 6 year-old in Kenya, older patients in most instances and persons in the youth bracket.

While each death is reported with a sombre mood and with condolences to affected families, some of the casualties have united a country in grief, in other cases united the continent and people beyond Africa’s borders.

From top politicians – former presidents, prime ministers and lawmakers, to entertainment icons and top sportsmen, the virus has left in its wake prominent casualties who could hardly get the send-off they would have been accorded in “normal times.”

This article briefly profiles as many casualties as possible:

July 9: South African queen dies

A prominent traditional ruler in South Africa has died after contracting coronavirus, the state-owned SABC has reported. The 56-year-old monarch died on July 8 from COVID-19 complications.

Queen Noloyiso, widow of the late King Maxhobha Sandile, passed away on 8 July 2020 following a short illness, the government said.

Reacting to the news today, president Cyril Ramaphosa expressed his sadness and extended condolences at the passing of Regent of the Royal House of the amaRharhabe, Queen Noloyiso Sandile.

“We join the Great Place of Mngqesha and amaRharhabe in mourning her passing; at the same time we pay tribute to her for her deep and unwavering commitment to the upliftment of her people and to her country. May her soul rest in peace,” said the President.

Adding: “At a time when we face a grave public health emergency in the form of coronavirus, Queen Noloyiso actively mobilised support for the national effort to combat the pandemic, including calling on communities to halt traditional initiations.”

South Africa currently accounts for over 43% of Africa’s caseload according to the WHO Africa region stats. Cases continue to gallop in the country as government implements an aggressive testing regime which has seen over 1.9 million tests conducted so far.

South African stats by close of day July 8

Confirmed cases = 224,665

Tests conducted = 1,944,399

Recoveries = 106,842

Number of deaths = 3,602

Major African stats: July 9 at 7:00 GMT:

Confirmed cases = 522,643

Active cases = 257,466

Recoveries = 252,944

Number of deaths = 12,233

President mourns passing of AmaRharhabe Queen Noloyiso Sandile— SAgovnews (SAgovnews) July 9, 2020

Ghana’s medical, political losses

The Ghana Medical Association, GMA, has reported the loss a number of skilled medics – all of them lost to the coronavirus pandemic. Among them are: An Orthopaedic Surgeon, A General Surgeon, A paediatrician and a Consultant Physician / Academic.

The latter casualty was Professor Jacob Plange-Rhule, whose death occurred in the early hours of Friday (April 10) in the capital Accra specifically at the University of Ghana Medical Centre, where he ha

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