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Arima neglected for far too long - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Open letter to Dr Rowley.

I am making a public appeal to you as the political leader of the PNM and Prime Minister of TT.

We Arimians have been without basic amenities for far too long. This is very disheartening and does not reflect our contribution to the national community.

In sports we have Abilene Wildcats Athletic Club that is 61 years old and which has produced the most Olympians in the country. For example Laura Pierre (first female to represent TT in the Olympics), and before her there were Cliff Bertrand, Ainsley Armstrong, Lennox Yearwood, Charlie Joseph and a host of others.

Mr PM, could you imagine that when Abilene celebrated its 60th anniversary the event took place in Trincity, because there is no venue in Arima to host such events?

In cricket, the current international star is Sunil Narine, who is an Arimian. We don’t have a pavilion at the cricket field called Larry Gomes enclosure. As you know, Gomes is another outstanding Arimian who played for the West Indies. Several other international cricketers – Phil Simmons, Jack Noreiga and Joshwick Taylor – all played at the Larry Gomes enclosure (formerly Princess Royal Park).

Presently, we only have two teams under the TTCB (TT Cricket Board) but we still have players representing TT, including Jeremy Solozano.

In culture, I do not have to remind you, Mr PM, about Aldwyn Roberts, the Lord Kitchener, the Grand Master; Holly Betaudier, new sensation John Thomas, and yet still the Government has not seen it fit to give Arima its just dues of a cultural centre.

I have already written about the late Raymond Choo Kong and Richard Ragoobarsingh, the country’s two leading playwrights and actors, achieved without a performing arts and cultural centre in Arima.

Prince Bartholomew captained the Trinidad cricket team, another Arimian contributing to our national pride in times gone by. The very talented John Thomas, a talented classical and opera-styled vocalist, has never hosted an event in Arima as there isn't a suitable venue to expose and display our home-grown extraordinary talent.

Now we celebrate 137 years as a Royal Charter borough, and we still take pride in our borough and celebrate the grand occasion in a dignified manner.

There are other burning issues, Mr PM, but I only dealt with the areas that can bring the people together and maintain the peaceful loving community which we are well known to be.

My humble suggestion is that you visit and talk to the people of Arima or send a representative to do so.

I do not know what venue you will use because there is none big enough to accommodate such a large audience that will be in attendance. Failure will result in the PNM losing ground in Arima.

Over to you, Mr PM.


Gen’ D Arime Hearts & Minds United Movement

The post Arima neglected for far too long appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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