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Boutelle, Frazier Augustus (1840-1924)

FrazierAugustus Boutelle, army officer and conservationist, was born onSeptember 12, 1840 in Troy, New York.  No significant informationexists regarding his childhood, though it is known that his fatherJames Augustus Boutelle of Fitchburg, Massachusetts was a descendent ofRevolutionary War soldier Ebenezer Boutwell (Boutwell being a varianceof Boutelle).  

On June 4, 1861 Frazier Boutelle entered the United States Army as avolunteer for the 5th New York Cavalry Regiment, Company A.  Initiallyserving as a quartermaster sergeant, he was commissioned a secondlieutenant on November 5, 1862.  While engaged in battle on June 30,1863 at Hanover, Pennsylvania, he fell from his horse and sustained aninjury.  Following his recovery he was reassigned in January of thefollowing year to the First Brigade, 3rd Cavalry Division as anambulance officer.  Rejoining the 5th New York a few months later,Boutelle was again mustered out on disability in August of the sameyear but eventually returned to full duty as a captain on January 10,1865.  He retained the rank of captain upon being discharged on July10, 1865.

On February 12, 1866 Boutelle enlisted in the regular army as aprivate.  Shortly thereafter he traveled through Panama to the AmericanWest, where he was stationed at Fort Boise, Idaho with the FirstCavalry’s Company F.  From here he participated in numerous battles andskirmishes against American Indian tribes over a 20 year period.  Hewas awarded a medal for his skill and bravery in a prolonged campaignagainst the Nez Perce, and following his courageous actions in thebattle at Lost River, Oregon in the Modoc War (1872), was given abrevet promotion.

Ascending the military ranks, Boutelle served as regimental adjutantand inspector of National Guard organizations.  Eventually he becamecommander of First Cavalry’s Company K.  While serving as commander inJune of 1889 he was appointed superintendent of Yellowstone NationalPark in Wyoming.  As acting superintendent he fought for thepreservation of bison by banning sport-hunting,

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