BlackFacts Details

Dorothy Height - Visionary

Dorothy Height was born on this day.

"For nearly half a century, Dorothy Irene Height has given leadership to the struggle for equality and human rights for all people. Her life exemplifies her passionate commitment for a just society and her vision of a better world." - National Council of Negro Women


1929 - Graduated Rankin High School, Rank PA (Valedictorian)

1932 - BA New York University, New York City

1933 - Master in Educational Psychology - New York University

New York School of Social Work - Columbia University (Advance studies)

Honorary Degrees:

1967- Doctor of Humane Letters, Tuskegee Institute

1970- Doctor of Humane Letters, Coppin State College

1970- Doctor of Humane Letters, Harvard University

1970- Doctor of Civil Law, Pace University

1974- Board of Humane Letters, University of Massachusetts

1975- Doctor of Humane Letters, Howard University

1975- Doctor of Humane Letters, Smith University

1975- Doctor of Humane Letters, New York University

1977- Doctor of Humane Letters, Bethune Cookman College

1980- Distinguished Service Medal, Barnard College

1981- Doctor of Humane Letters, Spelman College

1982- Doctor of Humane Letters, Emmanuel College

1982 Doctor of Humane Letters, Berea College

1983-Doctor of Humane Letters, Bowie State College

1985- Doctor of Humane Letters, Smith College

1989- Doctor of Humane Letters, College of the City of New York

1989- Doctor of Humane Letters, Lincoln University

1990- Doctor of Laws, Princeton University

1992- Doctor of Humane Letters, Central State University

1993- Doctor of Humane Letters, Tougaloo College

1994- Doctor of Humane Letters, Bennett College

1996- Doctor of Humane Letters, University of the District of Columbia

Degree information provided by the National Council of Negro Women