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Education ministry dispels schools opening rumour

BY HARRIET CHIKANDIWA THE Primary and Secondary Education ministry yesterday dispelled rumours circulating to the effect that schools throughout the country would be opened on February 15 in order to inoculate teachers and pupils with COVID-19 vaccine In a statement, the ministry said schools remained closed. Government recently announced that the reopening of schools had been suspended indefinitely, citing the rising number of COVID-19 infections. Schools were due to open on January 4 for the first term of the year, but government only allowed examination classes to return to school to complete their tests. “It has come to the attention of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education that a fake social media report claiming that the government will open schools on February 15, 2021 in order to administer non-voluntary COVID-19 vaccine on learners and teachers is circulating,” the ministry statement read. “The ministry takes this opportunity to advise its valued learners, parents and guardians, teachers and other stakeholders that contrary to that fake social media report, the 2021 school calendar for all primary and secondary schools will be announced in due course, hence schools remain closed until an official announcement is made through the ministry’s usual official methods of communication.” The ministry encouraged people to observe social distancing, washing hands and wear face masks to prevent the spread of the respiratory virus. Follow Harriet on Twitter @harrietchikand1

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