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Egotism and denialism are impediments to COVID-19 control

guest column:Johannes Marisa WHILE many people thought that the pandemic was subsiding, it has been proven otherwise. The world is in a quandary with the traditional superpowers being the greatest casualties in the world. United States of America has lost more than 300 000 people followed by Brazil which saw around 183 000 of its citizens losing their precious lives. Our country, Zimbabwe, has recorded about 310 deaths with the total number of official cases being around 11 522 cases. The so-called smaller countries have proven their mettle in containing the spread of the notorious virus. COVID-19 control does not need people of egotistical behaviour. All players, who are involved directly or indirectly in COVID-19 control, should be inclined towards a healthy nation and should, therefore, be for the people. Being self-centred is not only detrimental to personal health but to the wellbeing of the nation in general. Many people have lost their lives because of this gratuitous characteristic. Recently, the President of the Cross Border Traders Association, Killer Zivhu posted a video on social media appealing to the President and Health minister to take note of corruption in COVID-19 control at Beitbridge Border Post. Zivhu was seriously concerned about the corrupt activities that were taking place at the border post. Instead of presenting COVID-19 certificates to authorities at the border, travellers were said to be paying about 200 rand to law enforcement agents to forego the presentation of certificates. This behaviour is not only unethical but inhumane as it exposes everyone to the pandemic. The second wave of the virus seems to be worse than the first one. South Africa has lost about 23 600 people from the novel virus with daily deaths now averaging around 200. Zimbabwe has at least two million of its people residing in South Africa and as the norm during the festive season, 60% of them return home in December to join their families. Presenting fake COVID-19 clearance certificates or paying a bribe of R200 in order for one to be cleared is tantamount to murder as so many lives can be lost from rapid transmission which can arise in the communities. We have high risk groups in societies and these include the very old and those with co-morbidities that include diabetes mellitus, uncontrolled hypertension, obesity, asthma or chronic lung disease. In some instances, some patients present with symptoms of COVID-19 only to realise that they are diabetics upon being tested. I suggest that everyone visits a medical facility for sugar check so that you know whether you are a diabetic for the sake of taking precautionary care. At least 20% of all COVID-19 deaths in Africa have been traced to diabetes mellitus alone. Can we make sure that our sugars are well controlled? Denialism is one major factor which is contributing to complications in COVID-19 patients. Denialism is defined as the practice of denying the existence, truth or validity of something despite proof or strong evidence that it is real, true or valid. During the

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