BlackFacts Details

Enough is Enough!

When the Black Lives Matter movement grew in strength, voice and prominence several years ago, I remember seeing signs posted in yards that said, “blue lives matter” (meaning police officers) and I thought: “you totally do not get it!”

Certainly, the majority of police officers value all human life, but it is painfully clear that there are too many officers who swore an oath to protect and serve all citizens, DON’T value the lives of Brown and Black people who reside in the communities they serve in.

Why is it that an UNARMED Black Man who is handcuffed and shown not resisting (per a new video that’s now surfaced), UNJUSTLY dies at the knee of a White police officer; YET, a White man whom police believe murdered at least two people and was on the run (with loaded weapons in his possession); is captured and taken into custody with NO SHOTS fired or physical injury subjected to his person by the police?

I agree with LeBron James’ expression of anger over the senseless murder of Mr. George Floyd when James posted a photo on Instagram of the officer kneeling on Mr. Floyd’s neck as he is handcuffed next to a photo of Colin Kaepernick quietly kneeling in protest of police brutality.

Sadly, I’m not sure that the police officers who committed this crime will see justice for this murder; there is too much recent history that shows it doesn’t happen, but the call for social and fair justice for murders of unarmed Blacks and other minorities must be proclaimed and pursued.