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G. Garvin Recommends Burning the turkey this Thanksgiving

While acclaimed Food Network Chef G. Garvin doesn’t actually recommend burning the turkey to a crisp this Thanksgiving, he does recommend burning the turkey calories. His new, tongue-in-cheek #BurnTheTurkey Recipe Collection in partnership with Anytime Fitness will show you how, featuring exercise “recipes” like The Cranberry Bicep Curl, The Gravy Pour and Couch Plank-Outs.

According to the Calorie Control Council and the American Council on Exercise, the average American consumes 3,000 to 4,500 calories and a whopping 229 grams of fat during a typical Thanksgivinggathering. As a result, Anytime Fitness and Chef Garvin have teamed up to help Americans work off some of those butter-laden mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie through tips and a video showcasing a series of fun exercise improvisations.

Anytime Fitness invites people to share their own #BurnTheTurkey ideas from Nov. 12 to Nov. 30 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For each original photo or video submitted using the hashtag #BurnTheTurkey, Anytime Fitness will donate one meal to Feeding America® to help families in need this holiday season, up to 275,000 meals (equivalent to $25,000).

“Thanksgiving is such a great time of the year with so many delicious foods to enjoy, but sometimes, we enjoy them a little too much,” said Chef Garvin. “That’s why I’m partnering with Anytime Fitness to unveil our #BurnTheTurkey Recipe Collection. We’ve created some ‘exercise recipes’ that include simple ‘ingredients’ you can find at home.”

“Anytime Fitness is focused on helping people get to a healthier place, well before they start making New Year’s resolutions,” says Stacy Anderson, Chief Marketing Officer at Anytime Fitness. “We created the #BurnTheTurkey campaign to let people know it’s okay to indulge during Thanksgiving, while encouraging them to look for fun ways to burn some of those turkey calories.”