Archival records indicate when this Joreth land was surveyed in 1975 by a Mr James Kamwere, and Kenyatta was shown the 100-acre land he was to buy, he realised that the deed plan and title had included the Karura Forest land.
By this time, there had been a falling-out between two directors of Scenaries Limited (Mr Macharia and Mr Kibe) and Mr Muigai, who had placed a caveat on the 95 acres in LR 216/8.
Somebody at the Lands office, and conniving with some of the directors of Scenaries Limited, fished out the deed plans that had been returned by Jomo Kenyatta after he rejected that piece of Karura land.
Police say that a new title, LR 12236, was made in “River Road” after both Mr Macharia and Mr Kibe had filed returns to the registrar of companies indicating that they were the only directors of Scenaries Limited.
While LR 12236 was to cover the fourth piece of land that Joreth had not given any number and which, initially, was supposed to belong to Jomo Kenyatta, it was now treated as the Mother Title and prepared to indicate that it now covered 100 acres.