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Institutions under attack - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: In the cut and thrust of politics, very few things are left off the table when it comes to warring political parties. The Opposition, in particular, has a constitutional mandate to hold the Government to account. I believe this often devolves into simply attacking the Government. Still, it may be the nature of politics.

However, I noticed that this incarnation of the Opposition has gone where very few before would have ventured, so much so that this appears to have become a consistent part of its political strategy. I refer to the constant and perpetually vicious attacks on the country's constitutionally independent institutions.

We can recall only last year, in the aftermath of yet another electoral defeat, the UNC's seemingly unreasonable recount process that was stalling the announcement of results.

Coupled with this were wild accusations and insinuations that the EBC's independence was compromised, despite international bodies giving it full marks for its entire existence. I even recall a failed attempt to paint the head of the EBC as PNM-affiliated, when this was clearly not the case.

Who can forget the UNC's attack on the Chief Justice, which rallied on for months with little more than hollow and illogical accusations. The Opposition even went as far as calling on the Prime Minister to invoke the section of the Constitution which would effectively impeach the Chief Justice. Thankfully the Prime Minister didn't take that reckless advice.

The Central Bank, a pillar of our financial system, also came in for heavy attack by the Opposition, with its head effectively being called a PNM agent.

For me the biggest attack came when the UNC, in government, appointed an additional ten people to the board of the Central Bank, giving its appointees the majority and diluting the existing board. At that time it was the largest Central Bank board in the world.

Now, true to form, the Opposition has trained its political cannons on the Office of the President, engaging in a failed motion to impeach her. Despite the spectacular misfire, the Opposition persevered, directing its hostility at the independent senators.

Traditionally, these individuals were seen as the upholders of level-headed, non-political perspectives and in many instances held the moral high ground. I have seen nothing from this current complement of independent senators to convince me this has changed.

However, in an outrageous and shameful display, the Opposition in Parliament branded the independents PNM, as their names were called to vote on a vacuous and baseless motion, premised on suppositions and no facts. This disgraceful display is now captured in our parliamentary records for posterity and history will judge the Opposition members accordingly.

While the Opposition speaks of democratic principles, it seems as though its mission is to create discontent, chaos and anarchy by attacking not only its opponents but our independent institutions as well. We as citizens must be aware of this and reject these tactics - past

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