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Kendrick Lamar

Best Known As:

The rapper who did Swimming Pools (Drank)

Name at birth: Kendrick Lamar Duckworth

Kendrick Lamar is a hip-hop star from Compton, California, the rapper of the hit singles Swimming Pools (Drank) and Poetic Justice, and the Grammy-winning artist behind the 2014 album To Pimp a Butterfly. He started under the name K. Dot, making mix tapes beginning in 2003. Thanks to a popular mix tape in 2010 (Overly Dedicated), Kendrick Lamar -- with a little help from Lil Wayne -- ended up with a record deal on an independent label. He released Section.80 in 2011. His major label debut was 2012s good kid, m.A.A.d. city, which spawned hit singles and earned Lamar praise from mainstream critics for his storytelling ability. He began recording dozens of collaborations, with hip-hop stars such as Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg and Drake, and in 2013 he joined Kanye Wests Yeezus tour. Lamar won two Grammys in 2014, and five in 2015, including for Best Rap Album. His other songs include i and Alright.

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