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Lloyd Alexander

May 17, 2007 (aged 83)

Lloyd Alexander, (born Jan. 30, 1924 , Philadelphia, Pa.—died May 17, 2007, Drexel Hill, Pa.), American author who transported readers to a world of fantasy with a five-book series that was known as the Prydain Chronicles. The Book of Three (1964) launched the series, which chronicled the rise of a young hero named Taran from an assistant pig keeper to leader of the imaginary kingdom of Prydain. Along the way, Taran and his memorable companions confront villains, war, and personal dilemmas. The second novel in the series, The Black Cauldron (1965), was chosen as a Newbery Honor Book in 1966, and the last installment, The High King (1968), won the Newbery Medal in 1969. The series also included The Castle of Llyr (1966) and Taran Wanderer (1967). The animated Disney feature film The Black Cauldron (1985) was based on the Prydain novels. After service (1943–46) in the U.S. Army, Alexander attended the Sorbonne. He translated several books from French into English, edited an industrial magazine, and wrote advertising copy in the United States in the late 1940s and early 1950s while trying to get published. Alexander first found success with And Let the Credit Go (1955), one of several adult books based on his own experiences. He eventually turned his efforts toward children’s literature and released (1963) his first juvenile fantasy, Time Cat: The Remarkable Journeys of Jason and Gareth. Alexander later penned the Westmark trilogy and the Vesper Holly adventures. Westmark (1981), The Kestrel (1982), and The Beggar Queen (1984) dealt with concepts such as democracy, freedom, and corruption in the fictional kingdom of Westmark. Books starring spirited 19th-century orphan Vesper Holly and her guardian offered fast-paced journeys through distant lands where the two characters help right injustices. The series included The Illyrian Adventure (1986), The Drackenberg Adventure (1988), and others. Alexander received many honours, including the National Book Award in 1971 for The Marvelous

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