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Mayor Garcetti Announces Major Steps to Promote Racial Equity in Los Angeles

Prepares City to implement affirmative action, names L.A.’s first-ever Chief Equity Officer, and signs an executive directive to study and advance racial justice and inclusion in every City department

Mayor Eric Garcetti today called for affirmative action in City government and signed an executive directive to study and promote racial equity in City departments.

Anticipating the possible repeal of California Proposition 209 in November, Mayor Garcetti’s executive directive asks each City department to immediately create contingency plans for affirmative action programs across all functions, including, but not limited to, recruitment, hiring, training and procurement policies.

“Our city is hungry for change, and we must knit racial justice and affirmative action into the fabric of our policies, our institutions, and our society,” said Mayor Garcetti.

Joined by many Black City commissioners for the announcement, Mayor Garcetti is calling in his executive directive for each City department and office to appoint racial equity officers, develop a Racial Equity Action Plan to review pertinent departmental functions, and identify efforts to promote racial equity in our local government.

Even as she continues in her role as Deputy Mayor for Economic Opportunity, Brenda will helm the City’s work to bring the Racial Equity Action Plans to life, coordinate with different departments, lift up the efforts of the new Civil and Human Rights Commission, and ensure equity remains a key prism for our programs and policies.