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Mike Pence just gave a rambling non-answer on whether it's harder for black Americans

"I love your question because I saw where Joe Biden last night actually tweeted that everybody ought to have a fair shot at the American dream.

He's made it clear that while we're going to take a step today to provide new resources to law enforcement, to help them, you know, embrace higher standards on de-escalation, and the use of force and establish information sharing.

So we're gonna take these steps today to help improve policing, to help to move that process forward as a country in the wake of these tragic events, and the violence that ensued, but we're not going to stop there, Brian.

I mean, Biden says everybody ought to have a fair shot at the American Dream, well we would say, 'well, why don't you support allowing African American families to choose where their kids go to school?'

I mean, we understand the media narrative around this time and the negativity around this time, but as I sat down with African American leaders in Pittsburgh, in Maryland, as the President welcomed leaders here to the White House and in Dallas, I think millions of African Americans saw the progress that we were making over the last three years, and they know as we bring this economy back in the wake of not just these tragic events and the violence that ensued, but in the wake, of course, of this coronavirus pandemic, that it's President Donald Trump who has the prescription for more prosperity, more educational opportunity, and really, more access to the American dream than 50 years of Democrat leadership under the likes of Joe Biden has ever given them."

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