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Mnangagwa’s son in gold mine grab

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa’s son, Tarirai David Mnangagwa is being accused of seizing gold mining claims in Gweru after the owners had invited him to invest in the project. The gold mining claims in question are under Block 16 Quarts mining claims called Jilikin 25, registration number 12641BM whose owner, according to court papers seen by NewsDay, is Chad Cecil Mupandanyama, since 2005. BY STAFF REPORTER But last month, Mnangagwa filed an application with the court, alleging that he had been duped of US$4 million by Mupanganyama after he was booted out a company which he co-founded. Mupandanyama together with his company, Swifteagle Investment Business Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd, cited Eliazel Mushiringi, Tarirai David Mnangagwa, Ruan Meats Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd, Wozheri Stone Crushers (Pvt) Ltd, Registrar of Companies, provincial mining director, Mines minister Winston Chitando as co-respondents in the matter. Mupandanyama said initially, he was partners with Mushiringi, who later roped in Mnangagwa to register a company called Wozheri Stone Crushers (Pvt) Ltd using a forged signature and other documents obtained fraudulently. As a result, Mupandanyama is seeking the High Court to issue an order declaring the registration of Wozheri Stone Crushers unlawful. Mupandanyama is also seeking the cancellation of the memorandum of agreement entered into between Mushiringi and Mnangagwa on November 28, 2017. “… and consequently, that the first to the fourth defendant’s (Eliazel Mushiringi, Tarirai David Mnangagwa, Ruan Meats Enterprises, Wozheri Stone Crushers) together with their sub-tenants, assignees, invitees, members and all other persons claiming occupation through them should within 10 days of service of this court order vacate from the mining claim,” Mupandanyama said in his affidavit. According to Mupandanyama, the drama started on January 7, 2016, when he entered into a tribute agreement with Mushiringi in terms of which he (Mupandanyama) agreed to grant mining rights to Mushiringi to develop, extract, mill and treat ore from the same and dispose of the product for own account. “In terms of the agreement first defendant (Mushiringi) undertook to pay 5% of the total gross value of gold and/or any other valuable product extracted from the said mining location,” he said. On March 18, 2016, Mupandanyama said Mushiringi entered into another agreement with Mnangagwa in terms of which he agreed to give up his mining rights, which he was exercising by virtue of the tribute agreement with Mupandanyama, to Swifteagle. This included installation of a granite crushing plant, payment of council fees, mine inspection fees, transport, food, accommodation, site fencing, costs of assaying and application of certificates. “The second plaintiff (Swifteagle) paid a commitment fee of US$10 000 to the first defendant and the agreement will be expiring in March 2036,” he said. However, around September 2017, Mupandanyama registered a company with Mushiringi to carry out mining activities at his mining claims. They agreed to dissolve their

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