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Mold your future in hope

There is a possibility that the future can be better or worse than now. It can still remain like the present. Your present attitude can colour your future and influence it. Depending on disposition, the future is a place you can reach out by calculated actions. It can still show up while you passively wait for it. You can seize it with hope or apprehensively arrive at it. Whichever way, it will still show up. The attitude that you exhibit determines the actions you will take to face or seize the future. People who have succeeded in life have a natural inclination of hopefulness. Those with a default option of hopelessness always complain and harvest wind and tears. The sages summarise, “There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.' Tomorrow is coming, hope for it, don't despair. Hope brightens your life Erasmus Makarimayi Filled with hope, one can anticipate the good to come. One can also expect the bad to show up in what is called despair. This can also be referred to as negative hope in that the unfortunate and unwanted are deemed to occur in preponderance to the desired positive outcome. Hope and despair will be respective contrast of optimism and pessimism. Merriam-Webster dictionary describes hope as the feeling of wanting something to happen and thinking that it could happen. It is the chance that something good will happen. It only takes your mental faculties to think of better things. If you think positively, you will feel better and pursue dreams that meet your aspirations. It is within your power and reach to think and feel good. You don't have to pay for a psychic or donor. Whatever circumstances you are in, you are capable of structuring your future or ruin it. In all things it is better to hope than to despair. What does the future hold for you is the question often asked. I ask, what do you hold in the present for your future? Many don't want to be hopeful because it requires their action and positive engagement to direct the trajectory of life in a desired way. In the first place it appears to cost to have hope but it will pay off in the end when the fruit of your positivity brings smiles. If there's hope in the future, there's power in the present. Make that power generating plant in your heart. It has capacity to generate wattage to change your world. There are people who always complain whether it's summer or winter, day or night, sunny or on rain day. Resist and desist from that folly. Hope is your launchpad; choose it. Be instructed by Hebrews 6:19a which teaches. 'Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast.' Hope solidifies and anchors your now and secures your future. By its very nature hope concerns the future. Romans 8:24-25 explains, '[24] For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? [25] But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.' Naturalistically, hope is wishful thinking about something good happenin

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