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Musarara, MPs win in Zanu PF DCC elections

ZANU PF party chairperson Oppah Muchinguri yesterday announced the first batch of the district co-ordinating committee (DCC) election results, adding that there will be reruns in some parts of the country that they were marred by chaotic scenes. BY BLESSED MHLANGA Some of the big names that won include the Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe chairperson Tafadzwa Musarara who won the Mazowe district chairmanship and Energy minister Zhemu Soda who is the new chairperson for Muzarabani. In Gokwe North, the Gokwe Nembudziya MP Justice Mayor Wadyajena also romped to victory as the new DCC chairperson. He will be deputised by Steven Ngwenya. Musarara previously lost to Home Affairs Minister Kazembe Kazembe who is the outgoing chairperson of the Mazowe District. Musarara will be deputised by Dominic Chimumba. The Makonde DCC chairmanship was won by legislator Kindness Paradza. Muchinguri said in some districts vote counting was still on-going, adding that disputes would be dealt with by the party. In Chimanimani, Brighton Muchiwa won the chairmanship, and he will be deputised by Mavis Tererai. In Makoni district, the DCC chairmanship went to Albert Nyakuedzwa who will be deputised by Phinius Toro. “I want to say that Zanu PF is a very democratic party, and where people feel they have not been treated fairly they can go for arbitration. That is why we have different levels of interventions, at district level, provincial level, and we also dispatched national teams from headquarters. “Over and above that we are the final level, which is the command centre but of course we consult with our principals, which is His Excellency Emmerson Mnangagwa and his two deputies. We have received a number of complains, which have been presented, and one of the reasons why we have withheld results from other districts is because of the contestations which surround certain results,” Muchinguri said. She said the party had withheld some of the results pending investigation. “So we still have at least two days to send out teams to investigate, where we feel that there has been some unfairness and also we need to verify some figures which did not tally,” she said.

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