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PM, attend crime talks or call election - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: I have been noticing for some time now that Prime Minister Rowley has been sticking to his view that he is not attending the crime talks with the opposition. He is instead sending a team to represent him.

Might I remind Dr Rowley that he is the Prime Minister of TT and crime is affecting this nation and by refusing to attend any discussions that can ensure that crime is dealt with is an abdication of duty.

As Prime Minister he has overseen the highest murder rates in the past few years. Home invasions, robberies and all other crimes are on the increase.

We have also seen many travel advisories against our country due to the rise in crime. Just recently the nation was embarrassed when the English cricketers were sequestered in their rooms due to fear for their safety following a murder in front of the Hyatt Regency where they were staying. These must be reasons for the Prime Minister to attend these Crime talks.

Every crime-fighting plan of this current government has failed and now is the time to come together and fight this scourge. By the Prime Minister behaving this way it shows he never had any intention to meet with the opposition as he knows he will be shown up by the UNC team led by Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Therefore, if Rowley continues to act this way I strongly suggest he either resigns or calls an election and let the people decide who is better to govern and take on this crime scourge.


legal officer, UNC

The post PM, attend crime talks or call election appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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