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Poll: 80 percent of African Americans say Trump has done 'fair' or 'poor' job handling coronavirus

A majority of African Americans hold a negative view of President Trump Donald John TrumpTrump slams Fox after hydroxychloroquine warning: 'Looking for a new outlet' Trump threatens permanent freeze on WHO funding without 'major' reforms within 30 days Schumer: Trump's statements on hydroxychloroquine 'is reckless, reckless, reckless' MORE and the federal government's handling of the coronavirus crisis, according to a new poll.

The poll from the African American Research Collaborative (AARC) commissioned by the NAACP found that 80 percent of surveyed black Americans held a "fair" or "poor" view of the way Trump has responded to the coronavirus outbreak, while 19 percent had a positive view.

When asked further about how much they trust various news sources to present honest information about the pandemic, respondents were most likely to give high marks to doctors and nurses, as well as local health officials and black elected leaders.

Dr. Anthony Fauci Anthony FauciOvernight Health Care: Trump says he's been taking hydroxychloroquine despite safety concerns | US coronavirus death toll tops 90,000 | Moderna reports 'positive' results from early data on coronavirus vaccine Trump's coronavirus vaccine czar to divest millions of dollars in stock options US coronavirus death toll tops 90,000 MORE, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also scored high marks.

Asked to rank individuals or news sources on a scale of 1-10 measuring trustworthiness, Fauci scored 6.93 on average among poll respondents, far higher than Trump who sat at 3.05.

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