For the next few minutes, I will give some helpful insight for self-preservation, and some care tips for your family, your neighbors, and your community circles so that we can get through this together.
Wash your hands frequently and after touching common areas, follow shelter-in-place orders and travel restrictions, cough in the crook of your elbow, keep your hands away from your face, and call your health care provider if you feel ill.
I am attaching a great guide and link for effective hand washing from the World Health Organization (WHO): Feel free to attach this to all sink areas as a reminder.
Action Plan II
Community Care: Consider for a moment who on your street, in your building, in your family, in your circles are disadvantaged by age (65 years or older), disability (physical and mental), and/or social (food insecure, laid off, or homeless), and reach out to them.
This is an excellent time to talk frankly with your loved ones regarding what their Advanced Directives to Physicians and Family or Surrogates, Medical Power of Attorney, and Out-of-Hospital Do Not Resuscitate(DNR) Information forms filled out for your state.