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Retired cop mum on running for Tabaquite for PNM - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

RETIRED police inspector Michael Seales kept his cards close to his chest when Newsday contacted him on February 18 about the possibility of his running as the PNM prospective candidate for Tabaquite in the upcoming general election.

The former head of the Police Service Social and Welfare Association (PSSWA) stood as PNM candidate in 2020, when the UNC's Anita Haynes won the seat by 11,440 votes to the PNM's 5,209 and the PEP's 221.

On February 17, the PNM issued a statement saying it had screened and chosen prospective candidates for 40 seats (out of 41).

It said, "The constituency of Tabaquite is in the process of finding new nominees so that a new prospective candidate can be screened and selected."

The next day, the media reported the party was having some difficulty in choosing a nominee for Tabaquite, and one would-be candidate, Anil Ramjit, had been dropped.

Newsday asked Seales his thoughts on finding a nominee and whether the PNM has approached him to stand again for Tabaquite.

He replied, "No. No one has spoken to me. And I do not wish to comment in circumstances such as these. That is basically what I would want to say."

Newsday said the PNM wanted to have a complete list of 41 prospective candidates and asked if he, as a public figure (as PSSWA former head), would accede to be a nominee if approached.

Seales replied, "I will just again say I know the party's structure, I know the party's rules, I know how the party conducts itself in these circumstances.

"I wouldn't make a comment as regards what is going on in Tabaquite or any other way.

"I offered myself elsewhere, and again, the party will always dictate or say what happens when a person offers themselves for service."

Newsday tried on February 18 but was unable to contact PNM constituency officials on plans to find nominees.

The post Retired cop mum on running for Tabaquite for PNM appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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