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Speculation grows over date of next election in Sierra Leone

It will be recalled that the Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) Candidate, Brig. (Rtd) Julius Maada Bio, and the All Peoples Congress (APC) Candidate, Dr. Samura Matthew Wilson Kamara, emerged first and second respectively, during the first round of the fiercely contested presidential election held on 7 March 2018.

These are the people now at the helm of president Bio’s government, helping to steer his government into the ‘promised land’ of the New Direction:

Julius Maada Bio – President, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh – Vice-President; Professor David J. Francis – Chief Minister; Nabeela F. Tunis – Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Deputy Minister Solomon Jamiru; Jacob Jusu Saffa – Minister of Finance, Deputy Ministers: Dr. Patricia Nyanga Laverley, Shek Ahmed Fantamadi Bangura; Priscilla Schwartz – Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Deputy Minister: Umaru Napoleon Koroma; Dr. David Moinina Sengeh –

Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Deputy Minister: Vacant.

Mohamed Bangura – Minister of Youth Affairs, Deputy Minister Sports: Kai Lawrence Mbayo; Denis K. Vandi – Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Deputy Ministers: Samking Koihinah Braima, Dr Abu Bakarr Karim; Ambassador Foday Yumkella – Minister of Political and Public Affairs, Deputy Minister: Amara Kallon; Prof. Foday Jaward – Minister of the Environment, Deputy Minister: Steven Syril James Jusu.

Dr Francis Mustapha Kai-Kai – Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Deputy Minister: Dr. Robert Tamba Michael Chakanda; Prof. Aiah Gbakima – Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Deputy Minister: Dr. Turad Senesie; Peter Bayuku Konteh – Minister of Works and Public Assets, Deputy Minister: Philip Tetema Tondeneh; Foday Rado Yokie – Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Deputy Minister: Evelyn Daphne Blackie.

Tamba Lamina – Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Deputy Minister: Melrose Kargbo; Memunatu B. Pratt – Minister of Tourism and Culture, Deputy Minister: William Illawim Kongkatee Robinson; Mohamed K. Alie – Resident Minister, South; Andrew Fatorma – Resident Minister, East; Abu Abu Koroma – Resident Minister, North; Abu Abu Koroma – Resident Minister, North West; Francess Piagie Alghali – Minister of State, Vice President’s Office.

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