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The Tuskegee Airmen - Theyz coloured Flyers

A negro chain gang get a pleasant surprise when two planes from Tuskegee airfield land along the roadside. Great scene from the HBO movie The Tuskeegee Airmen (1995)

The Tuskegee Airmen - Racism & Injustice to cancel the Colored Pilot Project! - Duration: 4:53. TheXclusiveBaller 14,778 views

TUSKEGEE BLACK AMERICAN PILOTS DEFEAT NAZI JETS - Duration: 8:32. colacas 425,816 views

The Tuskegee Airmen part 8 - Duration: 9:56. YoumaKing 151,787 views

Surviving Tuskegee Airman - Duration: 2:47. Carla Fowler 3,203 views

Tuskegee Airmen Lee Archer meets Kermit Weeks and the P51 Mustang - Duration: 6:52. Fantasy Of Flight 17,492 views

The Tuskegee Airmen part 10 - Duration: 10:00. YoumaKing 279,236 views

RED TAILS Return to Tuskegee AAF 2008 - Duration: 7:07. Leon E Frazier 16,601 views

The Tuskegee Airmen part 2 - Duration: 9:59. YoumaKing 184,415 views

Letečtí Stíhači v Boji - Letci z Tuskegee - Duration: 44:46. jan jakl 26,883 views

The Tuskegee Airmen part 9 - Duration: 9:43. YoumaKing 153,207 views

The Pacific: Marines of the Pacific - Chuck Tatum (HBO) - Duration: 3:58. HBO 420,380 views

The Story Of The Tuskegee Airmen Documentary - Military Channel - Duration: 44:56. Military Channel 19,089 views

Tuskegee web clip - Duration: 4:13. DEUCresource 1,901 views

Disturbing Ideas - The Tuskegee Airmen - Duration: 35:31. Patrick Boyle 2,604 views

Fliegende Helden des zweiten Weltkriegs!!! Teil 4: Tuskegee Airmen/Red Tails the 332nd Fighter Group - Duration: 46:46. Roy Bohlen 61,910 views

The Tuskegee Airmen part 4

I've been to the Moutain top - MLK (FULL)

Conservative Amy Holmes Scorches Discriminatory 'Stop-And-Frisk'