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Thompson, John Edward West (1855-1918)

John Edward West Thompson was an African American non-career diplomat. He served as U.S. Minister Resident/Consul General to Haiti from June 30, 1885 to October 17, 1889. Thompson simultaneously served as U.S. Chargé dAffaires to Santo Domingo (now the Dominican Republic) from 1885 to 1889.

John E. W. Thompson was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1855, but moved with his family to Providence, Rhode Island in 1865.  He received his early education in public schools in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.  In 1883 Thompson graduated with “high honors” from Yale Medical School.  He married a woman from New Haven, Connecticut, known only as “Miss McLinn.” He and his new bride traveled to Paris, France where he pursued medical studies and became proficient in the French language. In 1884, Thompson returned to New York City and began his medical practice.

Thompson did not have diplomatic experience when he was nominated by President Grover Cleveland for the posts in Haiti and Santo Domingo.  However, Thompson had developed a reputation as an excellent French scholar and was knowledgeable in international law. That reputation plus recommendations from Noah Porter, President of Yale, the medical faculty at the Yale Medical School, prominent Catholic bishops in New York and Delaware, and from A.S. Hewitt, the Mayor of New York City, led President Cleveland to appoint Thompson.  

Despite the recommendations, Thompson’s appointment was not initially ratified by the U.S. Senate.  He was, however, confirmed by the Senate on January 13 1886 after he arrived in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital. A copy of his credentials was transmitted by mail on July 20, 1885. He was also commissioned to Santo Domingo under the terms of the acts making appropriations for the diplomatic and consular service of the U.S. minister at Port-au-Prince.

Thompson dealt with one major diplomatic crisis during his tenure.  On October 16, 1888, a Haitian gunboat seized an American passenger ship, Haytian Republic, and took it to Port-au-Prince.

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