The first three surveys received between 5 500 and 9 365 responses, while the latest poll registered 5 293 responses, reflecting responses from around 23% of schools nationally, the unions said.
Although the Department of Basic Education (DBE), led by minister Angie Motshekga and her director general Mathanzima Mweli, has been adamant all was in good order for the reopening of schools – and Covid-19 protocols would be followed with models in place to ensure there was no more than 50% of pupils on school premises – the unions' survey suggests teachers were still facing serious challenges at many schools.
"In only two provinces have more than 80% of schools been able to construct a timetable for when the next grades return that allows a 1.5 metre distance between learners in classrooms," read the results report.
The report states: "In 8 provinces, less than 54% of schools have subject teams or phase teams been able to meet and review the curriculum guidance received from national and province for the returning grades.
"In 8 provinces, less than 48% of schools have all subject teams or phase teams planned their teaching for the returning grades in terms of the curriculum guidance received for the returning grades."