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Voices of the Civil War Episode 14: "Detroit Draft Riot"

Voices of the Civil War Episode 14, Detroit Draft Riot, highlights a major riot within Detroit, Michigan, as one of many riots across the country in response to the Enrollment Act of Conscription. Similar to the riot in New York, the Detroit riot was in response to race and class tension surrounding the issues of slavery, draft exemption, and employment. On March 6, 1863 white Detroiters used the trial of William Faulkner as a catalyst to destroy property within black neighborhoods.

The Devils own Work: The Civil War draft Riots and the fight to reconstruct America - Duration: 1:13:05. USArmyWarCollege 4,865 views

Voices of the Civil War Episode 18: New York Draft Riot - Duration: 5:27. CHWMAAH 8,900 views

Race and Conscription: The NYC Draft Riots of 1863 - Duration: 9:49. Anjali Agarwalla 13,058 views

Voices of the Civil War Episode 15: Alexander Thomas Augusta - Duration: 2:40. CHWMAAH 945 views

The Union Invasion of Virginia 1862 Part One HD. - Duration: 47:08. JoeRyanCivilWar 6,387 views

Civil War 360 S1 • E1 How the Civil War Draft Incited Violence in New York City - Duration: 3:57. Smithsonian Channel 26,325 views

World War II: Racial Tension on the Homefront - Duration: 5:27. The Second World War 4,382 views

Voices of the Civil War Episode 24:African Americans in the Confederate Army - Duration: 7:02. CHWMAAH 11,595 views

Dodging the Draft - Vietnam War - Duration: 4:52. Art Sandoval 5,622 views

Lincoln and Lee at Antietam: The Cost of Freedom - Duration: 1:28:19. Janson Media 154,685 views

World War II Part 2 - The Homefront: Crash Course US History #36 - Duration: 14:23. CrashCourse 1,269,313 views

Is Lake Michigan hiding millions in Confederate gold? - Duration: 6:15. USA TODAY 12,893 views

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