Former MLB star Darryl Strawberry's granddaughter MyLisa was found safe and healthy on Thursday after she went missing the day before, People reports. The family celebrated the moment, making sure to update their followers on social media. Strawberry's daughter, Diamond, who also starred on VH1's Love & Hip Hop season 5, posted the joyous news on her Instagram. "MyLisa was found safe!!!! Thank you everyone for helping me find my baby!!!! I couldn't have done it without you!!! I am forever grateful," Diamond told her 279,000 followers. "All the repost and attention that was brought is the reason my baby is HOME!!!" "So Many Prayers Answered. Thank You!!" Darryl said on Instagram. Diamond also thanked her father for his help in raising awareness of MyLisa's disappearance. "Thanks for all your help dad. Getting the word out there is what got my baby home!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!" she commented . The 14-year-old went missing on Wednesday, Sept. 22. Darryl called on the public...