SONGS by Lord Kitchener, Black Stalin, Sparrow, Shadow, Baron, Winsford De Vignes and The Roaring Lion are among the most frequently played selections in this weekend’s steelband concert hosted by Pan Trinbago in conjunction with the National Carnival Commission’s (NCC) Taste of Carnival.”
The highly anticipated event comes off on Saturday at the Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain, Trinidad, with 28 bands. Starting time is 4 pm.
Titled, “Pan in De Sancoche,” the event promises a steelpan musical feast as bands go back in times for eight minutes each vying for the coveted titles of Best Performing Band, People’s Choice and Best Flag Waver. In addition, there will be appearances by traditional Carnival characters and veteran calypsonians.
Opening the playbill in the Single Pan category is Stardust of Carenage with their medley “Drunk & Disorderly/Rose/Melda/Feeling to Party” and culminating with Trinidad and Tobago Police Service Steel Orchestra with their “Tribute to the People” at position number 15.
In the Small Conventional Band grouping the Curepe-based Northolus will be the first of 12 bands to take centre stage. TT Defence will close with “Disco Daddy/Mih Lover/Papa Chunks/Soki Soki/ All Aboard”.
In keeping with the theme, patrons are encouraged to wear something retro as there will be prizes for the male and female in the best get up. Ticket are available at $150, Grand Stand seating only. Bands will appear in the following order:-
1.Stardust Northolus
2.Blanca 47 Nu Stars
3. Curepe Polyphonics Old Tech Steel Orchestra
4.Platinum Musical Gems
5. Pan Elites Simple Song
6. Shades In Steel Kalomo Kings
7. Marsicans La Horquetta Pan Groove
8. Gonzales Sheikers Fascinators Pan Symphony
9. D”Original Woodbrook Modernaires Tamana Pioneers
10. San Juan All Stars St. Margaret’s Super Stars
11. La Famille United Arima Golden Stars
12. Brimblers Roadblock
13. World Wide Steel Orchestra T&T Defence Force
14. TT Fire Services Steel Orchestra
15. TT Police Service Steel Orchestra Media/Communications
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