NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks with Karen Attiah of The Washington Post and Jelani Cobb of The New Yorker about the discrimination black men face in public spaces.
Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Christian Cooper - these are the names of black men we now know because of ugly encounters that were caught on video.
And the end result of that is white men using violence in order to assert their dominance over the black person in question.
COBB: She said I'm going to call the police and say that there's an African American threatening my life, which was a way of conveying to him, you know, without saying - the kind of context of that is you know what happens...
CHANG: Exactly.
CHANG: Karen Attiah of The Washington Post and Jelani Cobb of The New Yorker, thank you to both of you so much for your time today.