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Africa: Frontpage Africa Editor Sieh, Justice Nagbe Resolve 'Traffic Violation' Saga

Counselor Tiawan Gongloe, the lawyer representing the interest of FrontPage Africa Managing Editor Rodney Sieh, says the controversy that arose between Associate Justice Joseph Nagbe and his (Gongloe) client has been amicably resolved.

Gongloe told journalists that though they apologized about the article, he was going to make a thorough research for the law that Justice Nagbe said covered the Supreme Court justices as well.

Mr. Sieh had published an article online in which he accused Justice Nagbe of being in violation of the Vehicle and Traffic Laws of Liberia, which says state that only the President, vice president, and emergency vehicles have the right to use sirens in traffic and change lanes.

Sieh further quoted Section 38: 10.21 of the general rule of the Liberia Vehicle and Traffic Law, which he said states that vehicles shall be driven on the right half of every road of sufficient width except as follows: "When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing such movement; when overtaking or passing pedestrians or obstructions on the right half of the highway; when the right half of a road is closed to traffic while under the construction or repair; upon a roadway designated and signposted for one-way traffic."

But we resolved the matter and Gongloe said he was going to research the amended law that covers the Associate Justices and other officials to drive on the opposite lane under whatever condition because the Associate Justice said he was rushing to the hospital," said Mr. Sieh

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