London — This week I have been given access to a retail and online sales survey of six Sub-Saharan African countries' mobile handset and tablet sales.
Aquidneck tracks mobile phone and tablet sales across six countries: Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda.
For the coming quarter, the lockdown has meant they have had to adapt their methodology as the market changed:"For example, there was a decline of 50% in handset sales in Nigeria.
On average online sales have a +31% higher price point: last year Q1 the average handset price was US$51 and this year it was US$67.
Several interesting key insights emerged from my conversation with Carbonell that come from his survey work in these countries, before, during and after lockdown:
The biggest online sales aggregator platform (with individual merchants) in Nigeria suffered a problem with payment delays.