BANGALORE, KARNATAKA, INDIA, May 10, 2020 / / -- Atman in Ravi's e-book titled 'FEAR' has captured the essence of the current crisis of Coronavirus.
This book is an outcome of the personal opinion of the author who wishes to curb the spread of the endless stress and fear that has taken root in the minds of many who are bombarded with all kinds of news about the current situation amidst the lockdown.This e-book comes out with a mission - the objective is to inspire people to live with courage and not be stressed, worried, and anxious.
"Readers can download the free e-book from Google Play About the author- AiRAiR - Atman or the Soul in Ravi, is an embodied Soul whose only mission in life is to help people realize the Truth.
He metamorphosed to AiR - Atman in Ravi and gave up his entire life as RVM and started living as an instrument of God doing 'His Divine Will'.
AiR has dedicated his life to helping people realize the Truth.With AiR's own Realization, he has authored several books, composed bhajans, blogs, quotes, poems and taken up several other initiatives that can direct people towards the Truth and eradicate the ignorance that they live in.