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Analysis: How low can Donald Trump go? - L.A. Focus Newspaper

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5. Biden VP watch

Former Vice President Joe Biden has spent the last few weeks delivering a series of policy addresses -- to not much fanfare. (The Biden campaign can't be too upset, though, as long as polling continues to show their candidate way out in front of President Donald Trump. More on that below.)

One bit of news from Biden that will definitely break through with the public will be his vice presidential pick. Biden has previously said he would like to have his mind made up by early August, but may not make an announcement until the start of the Democratic National Convention on August 17.

As Biden and his team navigate what we assume is the final stages of their decisions, it's worth considering how much his large lead over the incumbent could factor into the pick.

Does Biden lean more toward a governing pick -- like former ambassador Susan Rice -- with it looking more likely in the polls that he will be the 46th president?

Or does he still go with a geographic pick that helps him in a particular state or region, under the belief that the race will inevitably tighten and he needs to make sure he sprints though the finish line?

Anyone who tells you they know the answers to those questions is, well, lying. The veepstakes is notoriously difficult to predict since the people who know aren't saying. (Of course, the people who don't know talk relentlessly about it!)

So, stay tuned. And in the meantime check out my latest rankings of the 10 women most likely to wind up as Biden's choice.

4. Will any state shut down again?

With the coronavirus continuing to rage in the South and Southwest and governors struggling to get control, questions are being raised as to whether a full shutdown -- as the country did in April -- may be the only solution to slow the spread.

In Florida, congressional Democrats wrote a letter to Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis asking him to make mask-wearing mandatory and to shut down parts of south Florida. In California, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti told CNN's Jake Tapper that his city is "on the brink" of another shutdown. An op-ed at Azcentral.com urged Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey to "enact statewide mask and stay-at-home orders."

Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, who had been skeptical of the need for full shutdowns amid these latest outbreaks, said last week that states with surges should "seriously look at shutting down."

Obviously to re-shut down a state carries massive economic and political consequences that no governor wants to deal with -- now or ever. But what if that looks like the only option to keep your constituents safe?

3. What's in McConnell's coronavirus bill?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to unveil the details of a new coronavirus relief bill this coming week in what is already shaping up to be a major fight not just with Democrats but also with the Trump White House.

As The Washington Post

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