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Analysis: Trump is threatening US democracy. Protect your vote - L.A. Focus Newspaper

A version of this story appeared in CNN's What Matters newsletter. To get it in your inbox, sign up for free here.

When you take Trump's words in connection with the actions already underway:

The fact that he's calling on his supporters in swing states to be poll watchers at voting places on Election Day.

And the fact that this is the first year since 1982 DOJ limits on GOP poll watching won't be in effect.

The fact that Trump is actively trying to make sure ballots aren't counted for long after Election Day.

The many efforts by Republicans to put roadblocks in the way of people voting during the pandemic.

The repeated attempts (later laughed off) by Trump and his allies on social media (and in the Senate) to spread fake news about Joe Biden.

Related: Trump's use of false content is often defended as humor. But his supporters aren't always in on the joke

And a side note on disinformation: Facebook said it shut down a network of fake accounts tied to Russian military intelligence.

It's definitely time to take all of this very seriously.

What can you do about your vote? Don't be afraid. But make sure you vote, and make sure it gets counted.

If there are intimidating people near your polling place, ignore them. Stand in lines if you need to.

Volunteer to help at a polling place.

Explore your options and figure out whether early voting is allowed in your state. Here's CNN's voter guide. You can still register to vote in every US state, but some states do end registration in early October.

Weigh the personal safety of mail-in voting against the ballot peace of mind of in-person voting.

If you do mail your ballot in, track its progress if that's an option.

I personally requested a mail-in ballot a month ago. It came in the mail last week. But now I'm considering voting early in-person. My neighbor, considering the same thing, called the city's election office and learned he'd need to take his ballot with him in order to vote early.

There will be unique rules everywhere. Figure out what they are where you live.

Trump, by the way, has seen some more favorable polling this week, both nationally and in some key states. It's a margin of error race -- CNN's Harry Enten writes: "Here's the truth that comports with the polling: Biden is ahead, but the race has been and will likely remain within the margin of error until Election Day."

It's not just voting

For a while Thursday CNN had a blaring headline about US institutions being at risk.

The three points underneath were:

Trump's refusal to commit to giving up power.

His insistence the the White House is in charge of okaying a Covid vaccine (basically confirming political pressure on the FDA).

Big Tech is falling short as Trump and his allies poison the well with disinformation.

Related: HR McMaster, one of the revolving cast of Trump's national security advisers, was on the Situation Room Thursday and told Wolf Blitzer about the threat Russia poses to the US electoral process and the efforts by that country to destabilize the US.

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