An anti-vaxxer tortured the ears of a boardroom while expressing her disdain for the vaccine in song form. The woman, who identified herself as Bridgette, pulled off the stunt during Tuesday’s public comments portion of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting, Fox 5 reported . Wearing a red and white Santa cap, the anti-vaxxer made her point with her own version of Mariah Carey 's hit, "All I Want For Christmas Is You." The woman condemned masks and vaccines in her rendition while also sharing that natural immunity is the answer to the Omicron coronavirus strain. “I don't want a lot for Christmas, just body autonomy," she said in her remix. "I just want my freedom now, the constitution will show us how, make my dreams come true. End the state of emergency and acknowledge early treatment too…I just want my freedom now, the constitution will show us how, make my dreams come true, baby I ... end the emergency.” The anti-vaxxer proceeded to advocate for ivermectin and...