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Army’s Galil rifle retrieved, two face charges - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

TWO individuals including a member of the Defence Force now faces charges over the disappearance of a Galil assault rifle last Sunday which was subsequently retrieved at Macqueripe after a tip-off on Friday, said Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales, speaking as acting minister of national security in place of minister Fitzgerald Hinds.

A $75,000 reward on offer was not claimed and won't be paid, Gonzales said.

Gonzales led a news briefing at the ministry headquarters in Port of Spain on Friday, flanked by TT Regiment (TTR) acting head Lt Col Ashook Singh, Deputy Police Commissioner (investigations and intelligence) Curt Simon, Sen Supt Sean Henry of the Western Division, and the TTR's Major Michael Adams. Absent was Chief of Defence Staff Air Vice Marshal Darryl Daniel who had led last Sunday's briefing announcing the Galil's disappearance from Teteron Barracks.

The matter had been probed by the police, defence force and intelligence agencies, the minister said.

Gonzales said, "I am pleased to report to the national community that as a result of collaboration between all arms of national security over the last couple of days, at 1 pm today the Galil assault rifle together with the magazine was discovered in the Macqueripe area as a result of a tip that was passed to the TT Defence Force (TTDF) working in collaboration with the TT Police Service (TTPS)."

He publicly commended members of the defence force and police over their investigations including their collaboration to retrieve the rifle.

"I also wish to report to the national community that two persons remain in custody in relation to the criminal investigation. The police are expecting to lay charges against two persons including a member of the TTDF in relation to the missing weapon."

He hailed the police and defence force for working very hard to ensure the rifle was not used to perpetrate serious crimes against citizens.

Reporters asked of any measures to prevent a future recurrence of such a disappearance.

Singh replied that the TT Regiment had "robust standard operating procedures and regulations on the use, storage and management of weapons and ammunition."

He said, "As part of this system, a board of enquiry has been convened to conduct a comprehensive enquiry into the circumstances that led to this unusual occurrence and prevent a recurrence."

Asked if the tipster would get the advertised reward, Gonzales said, "The person did not identify themselves, neither did the person request any reward for the information that was passed to the national security services."

Newsday asked if the rifle had been discharged (used) while missing. Gonzales said, "The weapon was discovered at around 1 pm today. The TTPS and all of their support services will conduct and continue to conduct an in-depth investigation including fingerprinting and all of the other investigations that would normally go into the discovery of a firearm.

"So at this point in time we do not have any further information to share on whether that firearm was used t

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