By Daniel Oyefusi- Several hundred demonstrators gathered Wednesday afternoon at Baltimore School for the Arts to demand that the Maryland State Department of Education and Baltimore City Public Schools show “full and public support” for the Black Lives Matter movement.
The protest was organized by a group of high school students, mainly from the arts school, who called for the state education department to implement “adequate history curriculums” so that students can be truly informed on black history and learn how the country’s history of racism has contributed to white supremacy and the systemic oppression of black people.
A’niya Taylor, a student at Baltimore City College high school, led several chants while sitting atop a burgundy Toyota Camry.
Mahsati Moorhead, a rising senior at BSA, read off a list of demands directed to the state education department and Baltimore City Public Schools.
The demands included that the two institutions publicly announce their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, prioritize the mental health of black students, and implement more black history in school subjects, such as United States and world history.