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Beware of the signs of the times - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Without a shadow of doubt, the entire planet is experiencing the debilitating effects of the so-called modern age - a time characterised by rapid shocking social, economic and physical changes.

Never before in the history of our country has there been such a long closure of our schools and work places due to a life-threatening disease. Worse, we would not be able to evade the eventual onslaught of the covid19 variations.

Also, criminals in TT are becoming bolder and more unpredictable as they upgrade their strategies and use highly sophisticated weaponry to commit their deadly acts.

In the present times, how is our country, and by extension the world, becoming better when men's minds are becoming toxic with prejudice, hate and revenge? Greed, turbulence and ungodliness are becoming more pronounced in many quarters of our global village.

In fact, there is a steady increase in atheists. Having disbanded their connectivity to their creator, millions of people are forging sensual relationships and relying on forms of technological devices for instamatic gratification. Ought we not to be concerned about such developments?

China is fast overtaking the US to become the world's economic giant. Very soon countries unable to repay their loans will become colonies of this seemingly mighty super house. The potential threat of a catastrophic event is possible as countries such as North Korea posturise with gumption and flexing of muscles.

The writing can be seen legibly on the wall that we are in the closing times. The environment is also powerfully suggesting this. For the first time we are witnessing intensifying hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires and droughts in places we never imagined these would happen.

As the scripture states, we are living in testing times when we must watch and pray that we do not yield to the world's temptations.


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