Coleman, D-Birmingham, and her cousin, Jacqueline Edwards, talked to CBS 42 News about four family members who have died due to complications from the virus and five others who tested positive for it and are fighting it.
Coleman said they don’t know for certain when or where the virus started spreading, but she thinks it could have been in early March when the family gathered together for a funeral.
“I want people to know there are real families and there is real pain that is connected to this virus, and the families who have lost and people gone, they’re not just names on a list, not just numbers that Alabama State Health Department puts out,” Coleman said.
This virus even, if it’s not affected you, it has killed several of my family members and even if you were to get it, you can be asymptomatic and pass it on to other people.
Coleman and Edwards both said the other family members who tested positive for COVID-19 are now recovering at home.