Black Panther actress Dorothy Steel passed away on Friday at the age of 95. Steel, who played Merchant Tribe Elder on the Marvel film, died while at her Detroit home, her agent Cindy Butler confirmed , according to People. A cause of death was not shared. “It’s with a heavy heart I announce this morning Dorothy Steel transitioned this morning in her hometown of Detroit. That is what she wanted to be home,” Butler wrote . “Thank you Ms. Dorothy for giving me the opportunity to ride this wave with you. Thank you for all the Casting Directors who hired Ms. Dorothy. Thank you to the world for loving on her from afar.” "She went out strong," her publicist said of the actress, who got started acting at 88 years old. The actress was filming her "last role" in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and was in Detroit to spend time with her family prior to her death. Just in 2018, Steel acted in Black Panther . She previously shared that she was hesitant to star in a "comic strip at my age," but...