Cell C has begun a consultation process under the Labour Relations Act that is likely to result in 960 employees — or almost 40% of the company’s workforce of 2 500 people — being retrenched.
“Cell C can confirm that it is has reached a difficult decision and initiated discussions with junior management and semi-skilled staff to implement a restructuring of its operations so as to align the organisation with its new operating model,” a spokeswoman said via e-mail in response to questions from TechCentral.
Earlier this year, senior management positions were aligned to this revised operating model and new organisational structure
“Earlier this year, senior management positions were aligned to this revised operating model and new organisational structure.
“This current consultation process, in terms of section 189A (2) of the Labour Relations Act, advises staff of the possibility of redundancy of certain positions and possible retrenchments.
“Along with these cost-cutting initiatives, together with the revised network strategy … and the changing competitive environment, it has become necessary to review Cell C’s operating model and organisational structure.