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Les cas de Coronavirus continuent d'augmenter. Dans son dernier avis publié ce mardi 28 juin 2021, le Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP) annonce avoir diagnostiqué 102 nouveaux cas de contamination de Covid-19 et 5 décès au cours de la journée du 25 juin 2021.
The post Coronavirus : Le MSPP fait état de 102 nouveaux cas et 5 décès appeared first on Haiti24.
A Nigeria Railways Corporation official said the train departs Ibadan for Lagos at 8am daily with a return trip scheduled at 4pm.
The Lagos-Ibadan expressway is notorious for heavy trucks and traffic gridlocks that can stretch for several kilometres.
The Lagos-Ibadan line is the first part of a new 2,733km Lagos-Kano standard gauge line. The total cost of the project was valued at $11.117bn.
Need to stay updated on coronavirus news in Texas? Our evening roundup will help you stay on top of the day's latest updates. Sign up here. At least three members of the State Board of Education tested positive for COVID-19 after meeting in person for four days in November, according to multiple board members. Georgina Pérez, an El Paso […]
… up confidence in the African American community.
"The … black church congregations and African American-focussed media outlets … website aimed at the African American community.
Alongside former … mast majority of African Americans vote for the Democratic …
Deaths from COVID-19 in the U.S. have soared to more than 2,200 a day on average, matching the frightening peak reached last April, and cases per day have eclipsed 200,000 on average for the first time on record, with the crisis all but certain to get worse because of the fallout from Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. Virtually every state […]
CHAIRPERSON of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Primary and Secondary Education Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga has called on government to come up with an education policy which caters for vulnerable children as the COVID-19 pandemic has left many orphans. BY Evans Mathanda Misihairabwi-Mushonga said this on Tuesday during a meeting with officials from Mashambanzou Care Trust (MCT) at an event where the organisation presented a paper titled Education for Life. MCT is a private voluntary organisation that works with vulnerable communities to deals with HIV/Aids and its effects. It is currently working on implementing an education for life project aimed at ensuring quality education for marginalised children. “The issues that you have raised (in the paper) are the same issues that we have been observing as we work on the ground as a committee and we need to work with CSOs to come up with that policy,” Misihairabwi-Mushonga said. “We had a zoom meeting with Unicef (United Nations Children’s Fund) were they raised issues of gender and girl's rights, and you are also allowed to petition Parliament with regards to the introduction of an inclusive education policy,” she said. MCT projects officer Tinashe Zimondi said there was need for policies that promote early childhood education, disability and girl child inclusion. “The government has made efforts in assisting vulnerable children through programmes like the Basic Education Assistance Module and the recent Education Amendment Act. We recognise that our work is only complementary to these and other government efforts, and our main focus is on marginalised children that have been affected by HIV/Aids,” he said. MCT runs six schools in Zvimba and five in Harare, including Hopley and Mbare. Follow Evans on Twitter @EvansMathanda19
[DW] The incumbent Ghanaian president Akufo-Addo has held on to power following the release of official results. Tensions are rising in the normally peaceful country as his opponent calls foul play.
BY MIRIAM MANGWAYA ZIMBABWE Football Association (Zifa) councillors who were interviewed by the police during incumbent president Felton Kamambo's investigations on bribery charges claim that ousted boss Phillip Chiyangwa also paid prospective voters, the court heard. According to statements from councillors read in court, it was common for aspiring candidates to cater for the prospective voters' food, accommodation and transport expenses during the campaign period. However, Chiyangwa has denied the allegations before Magistrate Bianca Makwande, arguing that he did not campaign for the elections since he was not feeling well. Chiyangwa insists that Kamambo violated Zimbabwean laws by paying prospective voters. He maintains that Zifa statutes do not allow offering gifts to prospective voters.
Meals are free for all PGCPS students through Thursday, Dec. 31 at schools or community delivery sites on Mondays and Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
A man suspected of being mentally unstable, who allegedly murdered a 12-year-old Gweru girl by stoning her on Tuesday was yesterday remanded in custody at Hwahwa Prison where he will be examined before his re-appearance in court. STEPHEN CHADENGA The man, who was only identified as Derick in court, struck Natasha Manunure, a Grade Seven pupil near her home in Mtapa suburb in Gweru. Gweru magistrate, Beuality Dube, had a tough time trying to make Derick understand why he was appearing in court as the accused started speaking inaudibly. The man even insisted before the court that he was not Derick, but Danisa, adding that Derick was the name of “a donkey at the market.” When he was told that he was going to be mentally examined before coming back to court he exclaimed in surprise, asking if it was going to be in Harare. The State counsel then made an application to have the accused mentally examined by two doctors before the magistrate granted the request and remanded the accused to December 23. Allegations are that Natasha was coming from school when accused struck her with a stone on the left ear leading to her falling down and dying on the spot. Natasha, of section 3, Mtapa, who was preparing for her exams, was walking home reading a question paper when she met her fate. The accused then fled from the scene but was caught by members of the public who handed him to the police. Derick, who usually roams the streets of Gweru is notorious for assaulting girls and women usually with stones and other objects that he picks on the streets.
Milwaukee, WI — Today, the U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs and Homeland Security, chaired by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), held a hearing featuring the testimony of Dr. Jane M. Orient. She is the executive director of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, a small fringe group of doctors that has expressed numerous controversial […]
By LISA MASCARO AP Congressional Correspondent WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans waiting for Republicans in Congress to acknowledge Joe Biden as the president-elect may have to keep waiting until January as GOP leaders stick with President Donald Trump's litany of legal challenges and unproven claims of fraud. Tuesday's deadline for states to certify their elections — once viewed as a pivot point for Republicans to mark Biden's win — came and went without much comment. Next week's Dec. 14 Electoral College deadline may produce just a few more congratulatory GOP calls to Biden. Increasingly, GOP lawmakers say the Jan. 6 vote […]
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By Cheryl SmithPublisher Recently I was privy to two calls where very critical information was shared. One conversation involved information the world needed to hear regarding COVID-19; even though I …
A chaque seconde en 2020plus d’une personne a été forcée de fuir au sein de son propre pays, portant le nombre total de déplacés internes à un record de 55millions, selon deux ONG qui font le décompte de ces tragédies. Malgré les restrictions aux déplacements liées à la pandémie de Covid-19, 40,5millions de personnes sont
The post Record de 55 millions de personnes déplacées internes en 2020, selon des ONG - La République des Pyrénées appeared first on Haiti24.
The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is scheduled to return in 2021, after the COVID-19 forced its cancellation earlier this year, organizers said Tuesday. The March event was abruptlycanceled less than two weeks after it beganafter news of 14 presumed positive cases of COVID-19 in Greater Houston, and evidence of community spread in Montgomery County […]
The post The Houston Rodeo scheduled to return in May 2021 appeared first on DefenderNetwork.com.
ZIMBABWE’s year-on-year inflation rate dropped to 401,66% in November, from 471% the previous month, data released by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZimStat) yesterday shows. BY FIDELITY MHLANGA This means prices, as measured by the all items consumer price index (CPI), increased by an average of 401,66% between November last year and November 2020. Data on pricing trends was collected between November 12 and 18, according to a statement by ZimStat. The agency did not state the reasons behind the slowdown. Year-on-year inflation reached a post-dollarisation zenith of 837,53% in July, much to the chagrin of authorities who then instituted a raft of measures to douse the flame. In August, inflation eased to 761,02% after one of the sources of growing inflation, the forex exchange parallel market was tamed when the central bank intensified a clampdown on mobile money agents and other digital money transfer platforms. Government also suspended trading on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange in June, accusing the bourse of fuelling inflation, before reopening it in August. However, there has been debate about the accuracy of inflation data. Government has been saying the inflation rate has been slowing down, while the cost of living has generally been increasing. Last month, ZimStat said the monthly cost of living rose by 4,4% to $18 750 in October, from $17 956,87 in September. So steep were price hikes during the period that in Matabeleland North, consumers required up to $20 679 for a family of five to pull through. There has been no let up on price hikes across the country since then. Normally an inflationary slide means that prices are stabilising. Escalating living expenses exert pressure on thousands of Zimbabweans who have been thrown out of jobs after an intensification of de-industrialisation in the past year. Over one million more Zimbabweans joined the jobless ranks this year after blanket firm shutdowns were effected by government to prevent contagion as the deadly COVID-19 pandemic tore through provinces. But even those formally employed will feel the heat. Very few workers currently earn over $14 500 because companies are struggling to stay afloat due to diminished demand precipitated by a gruelling economic crisis. The least paid civil servant earns about $14 500. Experts say millions of Zimbabweans living in rural areas will sink into abject poverty as steep rises in basic commodity prices erode their already over-stretched buying power following the prolonged economic crisis. “The TCPL (total consumption poverty line) for an average of five persons stood at $18 750,35 in October 2020,” ZimStat said in November. “This means that an average household required that much to purchase both food and non-food items for them not to be deemed poor. This represents an increase of 4,4% when compared to the September 2020 figure of $17 956,87. In September, a family of five needed $17 956,87 not to be deemed poor,” ZimStat said, adding that the TCPL for Zimbabwe stood at $3 750,07 per person in October 2020. This me
Since the D.C. Council approved legislation allowing the vaccination of children under the age of 11 without parental consent, parents in the District and beyond have pivoted their attention to D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D), who must sign Bill 23-0171 before it enters the congressional review process.
National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) commissioner Geoffrey Chada says the commission would look into the issue of the Gukurahundi genocide next year during public hearings. Evans Mathanda Chada said this on Tuesday during an NPRC capacity-building workshop in Harare which discussed the commission's activities to be rolled out next year, including the public hearings. He, however, said the commission was facing challenges in that there was lack of dialogue between the NPRC and citizens, adding that people also did not understand its role. Chada said lack of knowledge on the terms of reference of the NPRC, had hindered progress because people were not presenting complaints to the commission. “Issues like Gukurahundi are actually things that we expect to be raised during our public hearings, however, Gukurahundi is not the only crisis that the commission is going to be dealing with next year,” Chada said. “There are a lot of crisis situations in the country like the issue of resettling of the people in Chiyadzwa and other areas like Chimanimani that have been affected by natural disasters. All these issues of need to be well addressed in order to foster national healing”, he said. Chada said the NPRC was in the process of identifying issues of paramount importance that affected people, including those of electoral violence. “People are also allowed to come before the NPRC and ask whether the reports on the 2018 electoral violence were properly implemented so that they put forward their complaints before the commission. “There is nothing that we will leave behind in dealing with the issues. “We are not going to be challenged by anyone, we will work in accordance with the NPRC Act which empowers us to deal with issues of peace and reconciliation,” he said. Chada said there were a lot of sensitive things that would be exposed next year when the NPRC public hearings began, adding that some of the issues would be new to the media and the people of Zimbabwe.
Save the Giraffes
Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), Save Giraffes Now , and the Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) make up the team of conservation groups coordinating a daring and unusual rescue operation to save eight Rothschild’s giraffes from the flooded Longicharo Island near Lake Baringo in Western Kenya.
The team is using a specially adapted barge to float the giraffes one-by-one to a nearby nature preserve on custom-made steel that is part of the Ruko Community
Wildlife Conservancy built by the local Ruko community for animal rescues.
The animals are part of a group of Rothschild's giraffes that were sent to the remote Kenyan Rift Valley in 2011 in anti-poaching protection efforts and in the hopes that the tranquillity of the remote area would help increase the subspecies' population.
Not Out of Danger Just Yet
Asiwa, an adult female, was the first giraffe to arrive \"safely on the mainland, safe from rising floodwaters.\" She had been stranded on a more remote part of the island away from the other giraffes — making her rescue a priority. Pasaka, a young male was the second giraffe to be brought to safety.
The same barge will likely be used to move the remaining six giraffes — five females, Susan, Nkarikoni, Nalangu, Awala, and Nasieku, and one adult male, Lbarnnoti, who are still stranded on the island which has been steadily shrinking due to intense rainfall.
With six more to go, the rescue team stated at least one more giraffe is set to be moved this week, with the rest likely to be moved over the next few months.
Giraffe Protection Efforts in Kenya
Africa’s population of giraffes has been on a steady decline over the last few decades due to habitat loss and poaching activity. However, some subspecies within the giraffe family are at higher risk of extinction than others. One of the most threatened populations is The Rothschild’s giraffe —who once roamed the entire western Rift Valley in Kenya, but there are fewer than 3,000 left in Africa today with as little as 1,600 of these giraffes are estimated to still be living in the wild and only about 800 in Kenya.
A 23-YEAR-OLD Harare man was arraigned before the courts on charges of inciting public violence after he allegedly called for commuters in the city centre to revolt against President Emmerson Mnangagwa. BY MIRIAM MANGWAYA Allan Moyo yesterday appeared before Harare magistrate Judith Taruvinga and was not asked to plead. The State, led by prosecutor Lancelot Mutsokoti, alleges that on July 3, 2020, Moyo and his accomplices who are still at large gathered at Copacabana bus terminus and unlawfully addressed passengers waiting for transport. They allegedly said: 'Comrades Zimbabwe has never been ripe for revolution at any given time than now. It is our time to revolt against this government because I can say this clearly that Emmerson Mnangagwa and (former health minister) Obadiah Moyo, maitiro avo ndeekuparadza isu (their conduct is meant to destroy us).” They also allegedly said that Mnangagwa and Moyo’s conduct lacked wisdom and was aimed at destroying Zimbabwe, adding that a revolt was necessary because citizens had been deprived of a brighter future. The State alleges that their utterances were aimed at inciting public violence. Mnangagwa fired Moyo on July 8, after he was charged with corruption over illegally awarding a multi-million-dollar contract for medical equipment.
Les cas de COVID-19 sont, de façon générale, en baisse au Canada depuis les derniers jours, alors que la vaccination dépasse la moyenne hebdomadaire. • À lire aussi: Les bals de finissants autorisés dès le 8 juillet • À lire aussi: COVID-19: 150 nouveaux cas et quatre décès de plus au Québec Plus de 407
The post COVID-19 au Canada: moins de cas, plus de vaccins appeared first on Haiti24.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information has made changes to next year’s sitting of the Primary Exit Profile (PEP), to take account of the interruption in students’ studies due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19)...
The coronavirus pandemic coupled with the imminent winter season means an increasing number of homeowners will be spending more time indoors. So, why not take advantage of this opportunity to give your kitchen the love it deserves. “Although some homeowners may be skeptical about scheduling a kitchen remodel during the wintertime, in actuality, it’s a highly […]
The post Callen Construction Highlights Kitchen Remodeling for Winter appeared first on Milwaukee Community Journal.
Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert appeared to lose a tooth during a press conference Tuesday. The fiery representative was having... View Article
The post Rep. Gohmert appears to lose tooth during viral speech appeared first on TheGrio.
President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have begun releasing plans on their inauguration ceremony set for January 20.
When the Maryland General Assembly convenes for its legislative session on Jan. 13, lawmakers will consider proposed recommendations on child custody proceedings that could be some of the most comprehensive in the nation.
Rich the Kid is accusing an airline of racial discrimination after being kicked off a flight. The rapper shared video of the incident on Dec. 4 via
Le Québec rapporte 288 cas de COVID et 5 décès, portant le total à 370 815 personnes infectées et 11 138 morts depuis le début de la pandémie. • À lire aussi: État d’urgence: Québec solidaire réclame une loi de transition Hier, la province recensait 208 infections et 5 décès. LA SITUATION AU QUÉBEC EN
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By DAMIAN J. TROISE and ALEX VEIGA AP Business Writers U.S. stocks are are slipping Wednesday and pulling back from their recent record highs as virus cases surge and coronavirus vaccines move closer to distribution. A vaccine from Pfizer and German partner BioNTech, which is already in use in the U.K., is on track for a positive review and potential approval in the U.S. within the next week. The Food and Drug Administration will also consider a vaccine developed by Moderna later this month. The prospect for a vaccine is giving Wall Street hope that the economy is nearing a […]
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A bodybuilder from Kazakhstan legally married a sex doll and shared the happy news on Instagram after going viral over the globe.
The number of people forced to flee their homes passed 80 million in 2020, the UN refugee agency said in a report released Wednesday in Geneva.
According to UNHCR’s Mid-Year Trends report on forced displacement, the figure includes 45.7 million internally displaced people (IDPs), 29.6 million refugees and others forcibly displaced outside their country, and 4.2 million asylum seekers.
The report said persecution, conflict, and human rights violations were the main factors forcing people to flee.
Violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Somalia and Yemen all contributed to driving new displacements in the first half of 2020.
“We are now surpassing another bleak milestone that will continue to grow unless world leaders stop wars”, said Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
The Sahel region, which is battling a brutal militant insurgency has also seen fresh displacement according to the report.
The UNHCR said plans to resettle refugees were affected by the outbreak of the coronavirus.
The report adds that at the peak of the first wave of the pandemic in April, 168 countries and regions fully or partially closed their borders, with 90 countries and regions making no exception for people seeking asylum.
As a result, only 17,400 refugees were resettled in the first six months of 2020, half the figure of 2019.