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Courageous moves by PM to keep nation safe - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Open letter to Prime Minister Rowley.

I congratulate you on the most recent covid19 measures.

Over the past years I have never been a supporter of the PNM but that is not enough to prevent me from applauding the courageous measures that you have taken in an attempt to keep the nation safe from the virus's devastating effects.

'The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane' (Marcus Aurelius). The reaction of the UNC and some trade unions is insane regarding the covid19 crisis.

It is incomprehensible that people who consume fry chicken with 11 secret herbs and spices or soft drink with a secret formula now demand to know what's in the covid19 vaccines. These graduates of the social media school of medicine continue to place the nation at risk and strain our healthcare system.

I only hope that the population heeds your call to be vaccinated. Failing this I appeal to you to consider making similar safe zones of supermarkets and banks. These two sectors have recorded profits during the pandemic while many other businesses have suffered. Yet these two sectors are less safer than restaurants and bars that have much more stringent requirements for customers and staff.

Supermarkets in particular have nominal covid19 measures in place, such as hand washing and temperature checks outside the premise but inside it's a virtual free-for-all with the vaccinated and unvaccinated bouncing trolleys along the aisle as normal.


via e-mail

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