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CXC to accept SBAs for deferred candidates in January - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

The Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) said it would, for the first time, accept the school based assessments (SBAs) of candidates who have chosen to defer exams to next year in January 2022.

In a statement released by the council on Thursday, it said one of the concessions already put in place in light of the covid19 pandemic includes the option for candidates to defer some or all of their examinations to either January or June 2022.

The council has also further extended candidates’ opportunity to indicate their intent for deferral to May 31, which it announced on Wednesday during a press conference.

These and other concessions were decided during a special meeting of CXCs council on the 2021 Regional Examinations Strategy on Tuesday where CXC engaged regional governments and other key stakeholders on the conception and planning of the regional exams.

In the meeting, the council decided to delay its 2021 regional exams by two weeks, including the Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence (CCSLC), Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE), and Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC). Written exams will begin on June 28 and end on July 30. Oral exams begin on June 14.

The release said CXC has also introduced a new level of flexibility for the delayed conduct of on-site moderation, with an absolute deadline on July 31.

Other concessions include reduced SBA requirements by as much as 50 per cent in some subjects and an extension of the deadline for the submission of SBAs to June 30 for all CSEC and CAPE examinations.

The post CXC to accept SBAs for deferred candidates in January appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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