One day after Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh said daycare centres would remain closed, a media release from his ministry announced that they would be allowed to reopen.
Responding to Newsday's questions during the Ministry of Health's covid19 media conference on Saturday, Deyalsingh said the risk was "too high" to open daycare centres.
But a media release from the ministry on Sunday reported that daycare centres and selected school students were allowed to attend in-person classes from Monday.
Citing Regulation 10 of the Public Health [2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-n CoV)] (No. 5) Regulations, 2022 regulations, Deyalsingh said daycares and classes for students in forms one to six in secondary school together with standard five primary school students would resume.
In the release, Deyalsingh also reminded students and teachers that they were required to comply with the public health regulations and other legal requirements.
Daycare centres have been closed since March 2020.
In February 2021 it was reported that the Daycare Owners' Association submitted proposals outlining a measured reopening of facilities for children to the ministry but these were rejected.
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