On Wednesday, Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa, DNC Chair Tom Perez, Texas Senate Democratic Leader Carol Alvarado, and State Representative Trey Martinez Fischer held a roundtable discussion on how Trump’s Failed Response to the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the Texas Latino community.
COVID-19 has disproportionately affected Latino communities in Texas and across the country.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump and Greg Abbott continue to declare “Mission Accomplished” while cases continue to rise in Texas, breaking records for Texans contracting the disease and hospitalizations, and Latino unemployment remains at 19 percent across the country.
Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa was unequivocal in his criticism.
“Austin is not known to be a heavy Latino populated city, like San Antonio or Houston, but even in Austin, 53 percent of the COVID-19 cases and 66 percent of the hospitalizations are Latinos.”